As we know that human beings are a social creature so we make friends and relations. This is a very good and important for us. But having too much friends and having too much interests on outside world doesn’t consider that you are responsible for your family and for yourself. Although we know making friends cannot only strengthens our social network, but also brings new insights and stimulation to the way we think. We feel comfortable expressing our needs, fears and desires with our friends. But it depends on what types of friends you have? If they are talent and have a lots of interest in learning something new then probably you would adopt his/her  habit but if they are too much outgoing, irresponsible and addict then you should be careful. 

Sometimes we find people who like to sit alone doing nothing; they might feel very frustrating by not getting a job that suits their taste or be in great level of depressions. Now, these both having too much friends and sitting too much quite alone in depressions might trapped in addiction they start to take cigarette, marijuana, wine, Hasis, opium, cocaine, charas, morphine etc. Which include those substances that work on our nervous system and act as stimulants to excite it or as depressants which slow down the activity of brain.
Now, if we take an example of tobacco which contains highly poisonous alkaloid drug nicotine and its smoke contains approximately 4000 different chemicals including poisonous chemicals such as cyanide, formaldehyde and carbon monoxide. Which may lead a person to numb and senselessness most notably change in mood, increased heart rate, low blood pressure etc.

Similarly the morphine and heroine which causes sleep and relieve our pain and freedom from anxiety it contains LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide). If someone does a prolonged use of these substances then it causes chronic psychosis and damage to central nervous system.

Avoid the habit of saying, “Let’s have it for today.” Because this might change into your habitual action so you must be alert  that even after a single use for example of GANJA which contains (3-22)% of the psychoactive drug  THC (Tetrahedron cannabin)  can be detectable in your body for weeks or longer (depending on the amount taken). And if you are taking regularly now it’s time to see the result like weight loss, lack of sleep and appetite, hallucination, chills , painful gastro intestinal disruption, loss or emotional control, heart disease, cancer and pulmonary tuberculosis etc.

If you are unemployed and free then volunteering might be a great start rather than lingering here and there with friends and doing nothing. It can benefit you, your family and to your community. Find friends, reach out to the community, learn new skills and even advance your carrier. Because instead of doing nothing and addiction it can be very helpful to your mental and physical health. We should be hopeful about the future and have a positive attitude about life than enjoying all comforts and trapping ourselves in modern life.
Akala Youth club (A.Y.C) wants to spread the message of the impact of smoking, alcoholism and drug abuse and also wants to spread awareness to the group of youths who are already being trapped in addiction. And that would probably be the biggest challenge for us because banishing smoking alcoholism and drug abuse from the law might be easy but it’s harder to do so from minds of people.

Our greatest achievement ever would probably be creating the society where if any one ask to any youths, “Are you in addiction of smoking, alcoholism of Drug?” Then he/she would proudly reply: “Of course, not! I am free!!! 


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